March 29, 2017

The State of Black Education

David Johns addressed TC Black Student Network Conference in April 2017.  


Former Obama administration official David Johns ‘04CC ‘06TC gave the opening lecture, “The State of Black Education”, at the Teachers College Black Student Network 8th Annual Diversity in Research and Practice Conference on Thursday, March 30th.

In his presentation Mr. Johns posed a significant questions to all educators, "Are we Worthy of our Children?" As executive director for the White House Initiative for Educational Excellence for African Americans Mr. Johns focused on evidence-based best practices to improve educational outcomes. The initiative, he said, gathered perspectives form the experts on African American education - the students.

His previous work and current focus is to counter the narrative that says there is, "something wrong with black kids. He wants educators and policymakers to "see black children for the potential they possess versus the trouble one may create."

During the Q and A he referenced three things educators should do for black children: Support their cognitive and social development; Center and celebrate diverse experiences; and hold ourselves, colleagues and institutions responsible.

Known for his signature #TeachTheBabies, Johns taught elementary school while completing a master’s degree at Teacher’s College. His work continues to focus on issues impacting low-income, first-generation and minority students. Mr. Johns is a regular presence on social media and can be followed @MrDavidJohns

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