January 18, 2015

Call for Proposals: 6th Annual Diversity in Research and Practice Conference

2015 Diversity in Research and Practice Conference

Conference Theme: “Bridging the Gap: Uniting Agents of Change”

Keynote Speaker: Pedro Noguera

The Teachers College, Columbia University Black Student Network (BSN) Call for Proposals is our request for research proposals for the 6th Annual Diversity in Research and Practice Conference to be held on Saturday, April 25th, 2015. The Diversity in Research and Practice Conference provides a platform for students, practitioners, schools, and community leaders to engage in meaningful discourse related to contemporary issues in education.

The Black Student Network affirms that “the heart of education as a practice of freedom [must] promote growth”. The 6th Annual Diversity in Research and Practice Conference, seeks to “encourage, connect, strategize, and to share a vision” with the visionaries who have come before us and those who will come after. This will be explored through the conference theme, “Bridging the Gap: Uniting Agents of Change”.

The conference will focus on the interconnections between: research that calls for a movement beyond deficit constructs; synergies between emerging scholars and the communities they seek to empower; critical education; and culturally relevant praxis. An array of other foci that encompass the conference theme will also be considered. The conference will serve as a conduit for students to gain experience presenting their research, interface with experts, and connect with volunteer opportunities within the local community.

This year, the Diversity in Research Conference offers:

Roundtable Discussions: An opportunity for conference attendees to participate in discussion centered on a particular issue. A facilitator will provide a brief presentation of the subject in question and aid in guiding the discussion.

Poster Presentations: Participant’s work will be presented on a visual display and participant will engage attendees about their work and answer questions.

Paper Presentations: Oral presentations, aided by PowerPoint that may involve one or more presenters.

In addition to our keynote speaker, we will have a panel prior to the closing reception titled “Schools Designed With Us in Mind”. Panelists currently include: David Banks, Chris Emdin, Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, and Amy Stuart-Wells.



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