Columbia Connects is an annual tradition that brings alumni together to celebrate their alumni connection while welcoming new graduates and future alumni. This November BAC travels to Brooklyn to connect with alumni from the NYC area and to help celebrate the launch of the new Shared Interest Group, Columbia Alumni Club of Brooklyn.
November 04, 2017
Columbia Connects/BAC 2017
Columbia Connects in Brooklyn takes place on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at Hill Country Barbecue Market, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
Though BAC members are all across the country, we often find ourselves promoting events in Manhattan. Well, now we'll be in Brooklyn! And, we welcome opportunities to promote activities in any area or city where Columbia's Black alumni can gather. Feel free to share suggestions or get involved in event planning at any time.
There are also Columbia Connects activities all across the globe. To learn more about Columbia Connects events, click the link below:
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