Meeting Agenda

BAC General Body Meeting - W., January 23, 2019 / 6:30pm (EST)

Columbia Alumni Center, 622 West 113th St.

To Call-in Dial: 1.605.475.6711 / Access Code: 592-3459  


1. Welcome and Introductions: In person and participants via conference call. (Those on the call should email their name, school and year to [email protected] for our official record. Thank you!)


2. President’s Remarks:

  • Heritage Award and Scholarship Reception 
  • Intergenerational & Multi-School Activities


3. Student Group and Campus Information

  • Black Graduation - Tu., May 21 | 2-5 PM 
  • Black Student Groups Welcome


4. BAC Scholarship Fund Campaign Update 


5. New Business, Feedback & Announcements 



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  • Kevin Matthews
    published this page in Next BAC Meeting 2017-09-20 13:49:36 -0400